EML Previous Checkins

September 22nd 2024

W8ADJ – Angel – NCS
KE8RNS – Rick
W8CSX – John
N8SA – Bill
K0AXL – Austin
W8MJC – Mike

Round 1 question – What do you expect and your thoughts on AI?
Round 2 question – Personal question asking about microphone issues and mixer.
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

September 15th 2024

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
VK4MSS – Mal – CO R1
W8CSX – John
KA8IBY – Chuck – CO R1
W8ADJ – Angel
N8RWF – Bill – I/O R1

Round 1 question – On this day in history the HMS Beagle with Charles Darwin on board reaches the Galapagos Islands. In the modern world most everywhere is explored, and we are ramping up the new space age to begin exploring more off this world. If you had a choice would you choose a time period to explore? Would you go back to the time of expansion across the continents and learning of the Americas? Would you be apart of the modern exploration learning what is below our oceans and mapping our current world world, or would you want to be in the future apart of the exploration of other planets?
Round 2 (73 round, no question)

September 8th 2024

N8AE – Carl – Announced by W8MJC for announcement that they sadly passed and has become a silent key. Honorary check-in for Carl one last time with us.

W8CSX – John – NCS
VK4MSS – Mal
W8ADJ – Angel
KE8RNS – Rick
KA8IBY – Chuck
N8RWF – William
W8MJC – Mike – I/O
K0AXL – Austin – CO R1

Round 1 question – Are you ready for the fall?
Round 2 (73 round, no question)

September 1st 2024

W8ADJ – Angel – NCS
N8SA – Bill – I/O
K0AXL – Austin
VK4MSS – Mal – CO R2
W8MJC – Mike – CI R1

Round 1 question – What do you get out of ham radio? Why so amazing to you?
Round 2 question – What would you do to create excitement about ham radio?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

August 25th 2024

Many network issues

August 18th 2024

WB8E – Walt – NCS

August 11th 2024

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
WB8E – Walt
VK4MSS – Mal
W8CSX – John
W8MJC – Mike
W8ADJ – Angel
KE8RNS – Rick
N8SA – Bill – CO R2
KE8HR – Wallace
KA8IBY – Chuck – CO R2

Round 1 question – On this day in history, it is estimated that the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar was created, which was used by several pre-columbian mesoamerican civilizations, most notably the Mayans or known as the Mayan calander. Back in 2012 when this calendar ended, what did you think would happen, if anything? Or is there some calendar even you thought would be worse / better than it? Like Y2K?
Round 2 question – Second round question: On this day in history, the green bay packers football club was founded by George Calhoun. Do you have a particular sport or club you enjoy the most?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

August 4th 2024

W8CSX – John – NCS

July 28th 2024

W8CSX – John – NCS
KQ8G – Carl
KE8RNS – Rick
AI8W – – I/O
KO6BVO – John
KE8HR – Wallace
W8MJC – Mike
KD8VHE – Daniel

Round 1 question – Do you watch the Olympics?
Round 2 question – Do you have any pets and what are they?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

July 21st 2024

W8ADJ – Angel – NCS
W8CSX – John
WB8E – Walt
KE8RNS – Rick
VK4MSS – Mal
K0AXL – Austin
KE8FZY – William

Round 1 question – Your real thoughts and knowledge about grounding. Should you, how should you, etc.
Round 2 question – Why do you ground, what are you trying to avoid, what happens if lightning hits?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

July 14th 2024

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
KE8FJW – Brad
W8CSX – John
KE8RNS – Rick
KE8HR – Wallace
KZ8JF – Jason
KO6BVO – John – CI R1
WB8E – Walt – CI R1

Round 1 question – Have you been completing your summer projects, or still have more to do? Have you been ticking your projects off?
Round 2 (73 round, no question)

April 21st 2024

W8ADJ – Angel – NCS
W8TRU – Brian – CO R2
W8CSX – John
WB8E – Walt – CO R2
K0AXL – Austin
KE8RNS – Rick
KE8HR – Wallace
VK4MSS – Mal
KA8IBY – Chuck
N8SA – Bill – CI R1

Round 1 question – Netlogger, and I want to pick on your brains. Do you know netlogger, what you like, if not why not?
Round 2 question – Can you tell me what you recommend for future antennas / get a dummy load? (Mobile antennas)
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

April 14th 2024

W8MJC – Mike – NCS
KE8RNS – Rick
K0AXL – Austin
K8PDJ – Dorian
N8GIR – Nick – CI R2
KE8HR – Wallace – CI R2
W8CSX – John – CI R2
AD8GY – Anita – CI R3

Round 1 question – When is the last time you went to a park, and what park was it?
Round 2 question – When you went to that park, what is the best thing you’ve ever cooked on a park grill?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

April 7th 2024

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
W8CSX – John
WB8E – Walt
KE8HR – Wallace – CO R2
KE8RNS – Rick
W8ADJ – Angel
KA8IBY – Chuck – CO R2
KQ8G – Carl – CI Middle of R1
KK7CK – CI Middle of R1, CO R2

Round 1 question – Do you have plans to view the eclipse tomorrow?
Round 2 question – Have you seen either type of eclipse before (Solar or Lunar)?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

March 31st 2024

W8CSX – John – NCS
KE8CBW – Joseph
K8PDJ – Dorian
W8ADJ – Angel
WB8E – Walt
KE8RNS – Rick
KE8HR – Wallace
VK4MSS – Mal
K0AXL – Austin
W8MJC – Mike – CI R1
N8SA – Bill – CI R1
WB8HS – Bruce

Round 1 question – What did you do for Easter today?
Round 2 question – No question asked.
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

March 24th 2024

WB8E – Walt – NCS
Incomplete list, not recorded

Was a 1 and done with no question provided

March 17th 2024

W8CSX – John – NCS
KQ8G – Carl – I/O
K0AXL – Austin – I/O
KE8RNS – Rick
VK4MSS – Mal
WB8E – Walt
KE8HR – Wallace
KD8ZER – ? – I/O
AD8GY – Anita
W8MJC – Mike
N8TAW – ?
WB8HS – ?

Round 1 question – What did you do for St. Patricks Day?
Round 2 question – Do you have any plans coming up?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

March 10th 2024

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
WB8E – Walt
N8SA – Bill
WB8HS – Bruce – CI R1
KE8RNS – Rick – CI R2
W8MJC – Mike – CI R2, CO R2
K8PDJ – Dorian – CI R2, CO R2
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O R2
VK4MSS – Mal – CI After Net
W8CSX – John – CI After Net

Round 1 question – Today is Mario day, March 10th. A day created by those who enjoy the franchise and Nintendo itself. Do you or did you play Nintendo and do you have any stories to share?
Round 2 question – Theres been some great 15m and even 10m propagation lately, have you been taking advantage? And if you haven’t been on HF, What have you been up to lately?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

March 3rd 2024

W8MJC – Mike – NCS
AD8GY – Anita
W8CSX – John
K0AXL – Austin – I/O
KE8RNS – Rick
KA8IBY – Chuck
N8TRW – Ron
N8WJL – Jay

Round 1 question – Do you know CPR?
Round 2 question – Could you save a life with CPR? Do you know the heimlick maneuver?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

February 25th 2024

W8CSX – John – NCS
WC8D – Rick
W8MJC – Mike
WB8E – Walt
AD8GY – Anita
KE8HR – Wallace
KE8RNS – Rick
VK4MSS – Mal
K0AXL – Austin
KA8IBY – Chuck – CO R1
W8ADJ – Angel – CI R2
N8SA – Bill – CI R2
KE8FJW – Brad – CI R2

Round 1 question – Wives tails. When you see the first robin of the year, the weather will break to good within 2 weeks. Have you ever heard this? Do you have any myths or wives tails to share with us.
Round 2 question – Do you have any plans this spring/summer? What is your goal for the new year?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

February 18th 2024

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
KE8FJW – Brad
WB8E – Walt
W8CSX – John
N9ICV – Chris
KA8IBY – Chuck
W8MJC – Mike – I/O
KE8RNS – Rick – CI R1
W8ADJ – Angel – CI R1
KE4ZYQ – Joe – CI R1
N8RWF – William – I/O R1
WB8HS – Bruce – CI R1
KC8LDN – Ray – CI R1

Round 1 question – Today I ended up continuing one of the other hobbies I haven’t in a while, coin collecting. Got myself some 1840s and 1850s large pennies. Is there something you haven’t picked up in a while?
Round 2 question – When working, did you ever volunteer yourself to do something and in the end regretted it?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

February 11th 2024

W8MJC – Mike – NCS
WB8E – Walt
W8CSX – John
KE8RNS – Rick
AD8GY – Anita
KA8IBY – Chuck
K0AXL – Austin – CO R2
N8RWF – Bill – I/O
KE8FJW – Brad – CI R1
KE8HR – Wallace – CI R2

Round 1 question – What is your favorite pizza, where do you get it from, what do you put on it?
Round 2 question – What is your favorite brand of hotdog?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

February 4th 2024

W8CSX – John – NCS
KE8HR – Wallace – I/O
AD8GY – Anita
K0AXL – Austin
KA8IBY – Chuck – CO R2
KE8RNS – Rick – CO R2
N8SA – Bill
KE8FJW – Brad
KE4ZYQ – Joe
N8KPP – Walter – CI R1
KQ8G – Carl – CI R2
KD8CCX – Adam – CI R2
N8RWF – William – I/O
KE8KNZ – Tom – CI R2
KD8CMT – Mary – CI R2, CO R2

Round 1 question – Do you have lasagna, and if you do do you like cottage cheese in your lasagna?
Round 2 question – Since the last time we talked, what has happened?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

January 28th 2024

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
KE4ZYQ – Joe – I/O
W8CSX – John
AD8GY – Anita
KE8RNS – Rick
WB8E – Walt – CO R1
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O R1

Round 1 question – Thanks to John CSX I’ve started getting back into space news and seeing everything. Just a couple of days ago the Mars ingenuity helicopter ended its mission after having surpassed its original mission by several years and far more flights with damage to its blade. Do you think missions like this will help humans inevitably reach the red planet and teach us more?
Round 2 question – In other out of this world news, the Japanese SLIM lander was shut down after only touching down recently, as they had a mishap and the lander landed upside down and can’t function properly in hopes they can restart it in the future. Previously we spoke about going to the red planet of Mars, do you think humans staying on the Moon would benefit us in some form, or is it possible to stay on the moon?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

January 21st 2024

N8SA – Bill – NCS

No information provided

January 14th 2024

W8CSX – John – NCS
KE8HR – Wallace
AD8GY – Anita
VA3GXK – Geoff
N8RWF – William – I/O
K0AXL – Austin – CO R2
W8ADJ – Angel
WB8E – Walt – CI R1
KJ7VWB – John – CI R1
KB7PPM – Paul – CI R2
N9ICV – Christopher – CI R2

Round 1 question – No topic, What has happened since last net, and when is your birthday?
Round 2 question – How did you survive the storm that we had?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

January 7th 2024

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
W8CSX – John
N8AE – Carl
WB8E – Walt
KC8LDN – Ray – No Response R2
KC8NYR – Susan – No Response R2
W8ADJ – Angel
KE8RNS – Rick
W8MJC – Mike – I/O
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O R1
VK4MSS – Mal – CI R2
KE4ZYQ – Joe – CI R2
N8RWF – William – I/O R2
N8MME – David – I/O R2
KE8KNZ – Thomas – I/O R2

Round 1 question – On this day in history, Galileo in 1610 discovers the first three moons of Jupiter: Io, Europa, and Ganymede. On April 14th 2023, the scheduled launch of the European Space Agency’s JUICE, being Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, is on its way to arrive in 2031 to attempt to see if oceans exist under the surface of the moons. For round one, do you think oceans do exist on these moons, and do you think we have other world life here in our own galaxy? Water is the foundation of life as we know it.
Round 2 question – On this day in history, the first patent of what we know as a typewriter was by Englishman Henry Mill in 1714. As we know they continued to develop to what we now have as computers today as it was incrementally added on to by many people during the years for what worked or didn’t. Do you think computers have gone too far in complexity now, or do you think they need to continue developing to see what works better.
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

December 31st 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS
KE8HR – Wallace
W8MJC – Mike
KE8RNS – Rick
K0AXL – Austin – CO R2-3
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O
N8RWF – Bill – I/O CI R2
KE4ZYQ – Joe – CI R2
WB8HS – Bruce – CI R2
N8VGE – Ken – CI R2
VE3GXK – Geoff – CI R2
KE8KNZ – Tom – CI R2

Round 1 question – Do you party / do anything (like have a big dinner) new years eve?
Round 2 question – Do you expect anything new for the new year? When was the first year that Rudolph joined the pack of reindeer?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

December 24th 2023

Christmas Eve, no net took place.

December 17th 2023

K0AXL – Austin
WC8D – Rick – CO R2
W8CSX – John
KE8FJW – Brad
N8SA – Bill
WB8E – Walt
N8RWF – Bill – I/O
N9INK – Curtis
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O
VE3GXK – Geoff
KE8NUM – Paul
VK4MSS – Mal
KC8LDN – Ray – CO R1, CI R2 Re-Check
KD9ZGZ – Joel – No Response R2
W8MJC – Mike – CI R2
KE8KNZ – Tom – CI R2

Round 1 question – There’s one week left until all the stores close down for a day and we all eat massively. Are you done shopping and ready?
Round 2 question – One of the goals I had for 2023 was for the parks on the air Bailey Sprott award, which involves getting a qso once a day everyday of the year, which I almost have made it the whole year. Are there goals that you succeeded in accomplishing this year?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

December 10th 2023

W8MJC – Mike – NCS
WB8E – Walt
VA3KSF – Keith
KE8ZOA – Paul
KE8HR – Wallace
W8CSX – John
K0AXL – Austin – I/O
KE8RNS – Rick
N8GFZ – Gerald – I/O
WB8HS – Bruce
N8SA – Bill
N8RWF – Bill – I/O
KE4ZYQ – Joe – I/O
KE8MLF – Jeffrey – I/O
K8IBX – Rob – I/O
N8MME – David – I/O

Round 1 question – Have you put up any Christmas decorations?
Round 2 question – Is anybody giving gift cards / receiving gift cards?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

December 3rd 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS
KE8HR – Wallace
WB8E – Walt
AD8GY – Anita
KE4ZYQ – Joe
KE8RNS – Rick
KE8SJW – Ken
N8RWF – Bill
N9ICV – Christopher
NO8J – Mark
W8MJC – Mike

Round 1 question – US Congress had a meeting July 27th, 2023 saying UFOs and aliens visiting us. Did you see this, and what do you think?
Round 2 question – If you encountered one, would you welcome them or try to kill them?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

November 26th 2023

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
WB8E – Walt
WC8D – Rick
KE8HR – Wallace
KE8RNS – Rick
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O
KE8NUM – Paul
K8VSV – Scott
N8SA – CI R1
W8CSX – John – CI R2
KE4ZYQ – Joe – CI R2
W8ADJ – Angel – CI R2

Round 1 question – What was your most memorable holiday memory?
Round 2 question – Are you prepared for the snowy season, any goals you want to accomplish before its fully on us? For Mal (if present), do you have any goals you want to get done for your next season?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

November 19th 2023

W8MJC – Mike – NCS
WC8D – Rick
VK4MSS – Mal
KE8HR – Wallace
W8CSX – John
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O
KE8WAX – – I/O
K0AXL – Austin – I/O
KE8RNS – Rick – CI end R1
KD8VHE – Kevin – CI end R1

Round 1 question – What kind of sports do you like to watch or play?
Round 2 question – What are your plans for this Thanksgiving?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

November 12th 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS
KE8HR – Wallace
WA8ZZM – Cody
JA1WLQ – Masaaki – No response R1
N8SA – Bill
WB8E – Walt
KE8RNS – Rick
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O
K0AXL – Austin
W8MJC – Mike
KG8ZH – Chuck
KE4ZYQ – Joe – CI R2

Round 1 question – Is there anyone on the list that has served in the military, or any family members that has served.
Round 2 question – How long have you been a ham, and tell us a little something about you.
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

November 5th 2023

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
AD8GY – Anita – CO R2
KE8WAX – Taylor – I/O
K8DYS – Ryan – No response R1
KE8RNS – Rick
K8PDJ – Dorian – I/O
N3LBP – Chuck – CO R2
WB8E – Walt
VK4MSS – Mal
W8CSX – John – CI R1
W8ADJ – Angel – CI R2
W8MJC – Mike – CI R2

Round 1 question – If you were a ghost, what location do you think you would haunt?
Round 2 question – Do you remember that thing people used to say, about how you swallow eight spiders a year while you sleep? It’s not true, but do you think you’ve swallowed any? What bug do you think you’ve eaten the most of by accident?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

October 29th 2023

W8MJC – Mike – NCS
VK4MSS – Mal
WB8E – Walt
KE8HR – Wallace
AD8GY – Anita
W8NIC – Larry
K0AXL – Austin – I/O
VE3GKX – Geoff

Round 1 question –
Round 2 question –
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

October 22nd 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS
AD8GY – Anita
KE8WAX – Taylor – I/O
KE8RNS – Rick
VK4MSS – Mal – CO R2
K0AXL – Austin – CO R2
W8MJC – Mike
KE8HR – Wallace

Round 1 question – Have you ever told someone that you would do something, get gas, yard work, etc and then why did I do this?
Round 2 question – What is your favorite movie?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

October 15th 2023

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
AD8GY – Anita
WB8E – Walt – CO R1
KA2JAI – Michael – CO R2
K8DYS – Ryan
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O
KE8RNS – Rick
KB8IFX – Mike – no response R2
K8BRX – Kyle
KG8RNY – John
VK4MSS – Mal
VE3GXK – Geoff – CI R3

Round 1 question – Do you have a favorite type of weather/season? Any reason behind it?
Round 2 question – Do you have a favorite object, whether it be for its usefulness or sentimental value
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

October 8th 2023

W8MJC – Mike – NCS
KB8RCR – Ryan
W8CSX – John
WB8E – Walt
K0AXL – Austin – I/O
VK4MSS – Mal
KE8RNS – Rick
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O
KE8HR – Wallace
AD8DP – Doug
KE8SJW – Ken
N8WJL – Joseph
K8DYS – Ryan

Round 1 question – What is the oldest thing that you own?
Round 2 question – Do you have any old vinyl records?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

October 1st 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS
WC8D – Rick
WB8E – Walt
W8MJC – Mike
KE8HR – Wallace
AD8GY – Anita
VK4MSS – Mal
K8DYS – Ryan
KE8RNS – Rick
KE8AXC – John
KE4ZYQ – Joe
K0AXL – Austin – I/O

Round 1 question – Have you ever went to buy a cell phone and they won’t give you what they said they would give you?
Round 2 question – Do you remember your first girlfriend’s name?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

September 24th 2023

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
WB8E – Walt
KE8VXG – Alex
W8CSX – John
W9MMM – Mike – I/O
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O
KE8RNS – Rick
VK4MSS – Mal
AD8GY – Anita
KB8RCR – Ryan – CI R2

Round 1 question – If you had to get rid of one of your five senses (smell, touch, taste, vision, hearing), which would you choose and why?
Round 2 question – Taking a step back, you have your five senses. What would you consider to be the sense you couldn’t live without? Do you have a favorite smell? Does hearing the birds chirping calm you?
Round 3 question (73 round) – If you could enhance one sense, like being able to taste culinary masterpieces from any food, hearing people without having to question what they said which is what I do most of the time, etc.

September 17th 2023

W8MJC – Mike – NCS
KE8HR – Wallace
W8CSX – John
K0AXL – Austin
KE8RNS – Rick
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O
W3QD – Kevin
VK4MSS – Mal
KQ8G – Carl
W8ADJ – Angel
WB8E – Walt
KE8NUM – Paul – CI R2

Round 1 question – Do you have carpet or regular hardwood floor in your living room?
Round 2 question – What type of chocolate do you prefer? White, dark, or milk?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

September 10th 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS
KE8HR – Wallace
AD8GY – Anita
KC8USA – Frederick – I/O
WB8E – Walt
K0AXL – Austin
KE8RNS – Rick – CO R1
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O
KE8WOJ – Rick
W8MJC – Mike
KE4ZYQ – Joe – CI R3

Round 1 question – What do you think about AI (Artificial Intelligence). Do you think they’re walking amongst us and don’t know? And what do you think about it.
Round 2 question – Has anyone seen any pictures of the buildings / houses burnt up in Maui? Why did everything that was blue not burn up?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

September 3rd 2023

W8MJC – Mike – NCS
WB8E – Walt
AD8GY – Anita – CO R1
KA8AUQ – George
W8CSX – John
VK4MSS – Mal – CO R2
K0AXL – Austin
KE4ZYQ – Joe
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O
AD8DP – Doug – CO R2
KE8WOJ – Rick
K8PDJ – Dorian – CI R2

Round 1 question – What is the best restaurant you’ve eaten in, and approximately how much did it cost you?
Round 2 question – When you order online for anything, who do you order from? Amazon, Ebay, Aliexpress, etc.
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

August 27th 2023

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
WB8E – Walt – CO R1, CI end R2
KA8AUQ – George
W8CSX – John
KF8S – Dave
AD8GY – Anita
KE4ZYQ – Joe
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O
W8MJC – Mike
AD8KS – Patrick
KG8ZH – Charles

Round 1 question – We are all connected in the hobby of amateur radio, so for the equipment you run, do you prefer to improvise and make or repair something yourself, whether it be soldering coax ends, making antennas, or even radios, or would you rather buy new, install, and run with the operation? Any reason behind your thoughts for everyone else?
Round 2 question – Are we alone in the universe? The Fermi Paradox. There has yet to be massive proof of extraterrestrial life, even though theres high liklihood that there is. So what says you? Question given by VE2XIP
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

August 20th 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS
KE8HR – Wallace
K0AXL – Austin
KE4ZYQ – Joe
KE8RNS – Rick
VK4MSS – Mal
KF8S – Dave
N8SA – Bill
KG8ZH – Chuck
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O
W8MJC – Mike – CI end of R2

Round 1 question – When we went to go to do the announcements, we wanted to try and get a female voice. When a man hears it, they will pause and stop. Do you think it is right or wrong?
Round 2 question – We are approaching fall fast, the other night it got down to 45 degrees. Are you ready for winter?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

August 13th 2023

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
VK4MSS – Mal – CO round 1
AD8GY – Anita
WB8E – Walt
W8CSX – John
W8MJC – Mike
KE8RNS – Rick
W8ADJ – Angel
KE4ZYQ – Joe
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O
KE8VXG – Alex
KF8S – David

Round 1 question – What do you think the world will look like in 100 years?
Round 2 question – Is there anything that you’ve learned in this hobby that has helped you outside of the hobby?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

August 6th 2023

W8MJC – Mike – NCS
WB8E – Walt
W8CSX – John
KE4ZYQ – Joe
K0AXL – Austin
WB0RMN – Larry
KA8AUQ – George
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O
VK4MSS – Mal
KC8TCS – Pete – No response R2
W8QW – Dave

Round 1 question – Fruit! What is your favorite fruit and why?
Round 2 question – What is your favorite nut? Macadamia, almonds, etc.
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

July 30th 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS
KE4ZYQ – Joe
AD8GY – Anita
AC8LR – Robert
VK4MSS – Mal
W8MJC – Mike
KE8RNS – Rick
KA8IBY – Chuck

Round 1 question – How did your week go?
Round 2 question – Do you have any other hobbies and how did you survive the recent storm?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

July 23rd 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS
KE4ZYQ – Joe
KE8RNS – Rick
VK4MSS – Mal
K0AXL – Austin – CO round 2
KD8NYE – Jim

Round 1 question – Is there a certain food that you love, but it just doesn’t love you?
Round 2 question (from KE4ZYQ) – When you were a child, what was the most interesting, exciting, enjoyable game or toy?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

July 16th 2023

W8MJC – Mike – NCS
VK4MSS – Mal
W8CSX – John
KG8RNY – John
K0AXL – Austin
KE4ZYQ – Joe
WB8E – Walt – CO round 1
KA8IBY – Chuck – CO round 2
N8WJL – Jay

Round 1 question – Have you gone to any festivals this summer, or plan on going and which ones?
Round 2 question – Trades are hurting, mechanics, carpenters, plumbers, and electricians, so if you could only be one of the trades what would it be and why?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

July 9th 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS
VK4MSS – Mal
W8MJC – Mike
W8TOY – John
K0AXL – Austin – I/O
K8VSV – Scott
W8ADJ – Angel
WB8E – Walt
KE8FJW – Brad
KE8RNS – Rick
KE4ZYQ – Joe
ZL1AG – Ashly
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O

Round 1 question – Have you ever called in sick when you weren’t sick?
Round 2 question – Have you ever had a bad vacation?
Round 3 (73 round. no question)

July 2nd 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS
VK4MSS – Mal
WB8E – Walt
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O
W8TRU – Brian – I/O
K0AXL – Austin – I/O
W8MJC – Mike
KE8RNS – Rick
N8ZZF – Pat

Round 1 question – When you go on vacation, do you always go to the same place?
Round 2 question – What is your plans for the Fourth of July?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

June 25th 2023

KE8GLB – Chavis – NCS
W8CSX – John
VK4MSS – Mal
W8MJC – Mike
KE8GLD – Helen
KE8RNS – Rick
K0AXL – Austin
KE8WAX – Taylor
KC8AOL – Andy
N2XBQ – Richard
W8ADJ – Angel
N8ZZF – Pat
W8DPM – James
N8SOB – Shaun
WB8E – Walt
WB3CGH – Michael
W8RDJ – Ryan
KE4ZYQ – Joe
KD8IWS – Nicole
AD8GY – Anita
KB8CXK – Gary

Round 1 question – How was your field day?
Round 2 question – No question. Open topic.
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

June 18th 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS
KB8CXK – Gary
VK4MSS – Mal
K0AXL – Austin – I/O
KC8AOL – Andy
KE8VXG – Alex
WB8E – Walt
KE8RNS – Rick
KE8GLB – Chavis
N8ZZF – Pat
KA8IBY – Chuck
KE8HR – Wallace
W8MJC – Mike
WB3CGH – Mike

Round 1 question – Have you ever had something that you just kept throwing money in to it no matter what you did, a money pit.
Round 2 question – What did you do for father’s day?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

June 11th 2023

KE8GLB – Chavis – NCS
W8CSX – John
W8TOY – John
W8TMB – Terry
KE8HR – Wallace
KC8AOL – Andy
K0AXL – Austin – I/O
KE8GLD – Helen – I/O
WB8E – Walt
N8ZZF – Pat
WB3CGH – Michael
KE8RNS – Rick
KE8FJW – Brad

Round 1 question – What is your favorite summer activity / event / holiday… considering summer starts in 10 days.
Round 2 question – What is your most dreaded holiday of the year?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

June 4th 2023

KE8GLD – Helen – NCS
KE8GLB – Chavis
KC8AOL – Andy – R2 question – How many people would be willing to get together, in person, to do a rain dance. Need some rain
K0AXL – Austin – CO round 2
KB8CXK – Gary – CO round 1
KE8RNS – Rick
N8ZZF – Pat
WB8E – Walt
W8CSX – John – CO round 2
KE8VXG – Alex
KA8IBY – Chuck – CO round 2
KE8UOT – Robert

Round 1 question – Are you prepared to evacuate incase of an emergency? Like a forest fire, tornado, etc.
Round 2 question – Open topic
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

May 28th 2023

No Net hosted, National Holiday

May 21st 2023

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
W8CSX – John
KE8GLB – Chavis – CO round 2
KC8AOL – Andy
KE8RNS – Rick
KB8CXK – Gary – CO round 2
KD8HTT – Daniel – No response round 2
WB8E – Walt – 1 and done
KE8HR – Wallace
KE8VXG – Alex
N8ZZF – Pat
K8PDJ – Dorian – CO round 2

Round 1 question – Have you ever seen a solar eclipse? What did you think of the event or how do you think you would feel?
Round 2 question – Now we know of cw, ssb, ft8, 20 meters, 40 meters, but have you ever gone out of the norm for a qso? For example JT65 for some moonbounce or MSK144 for meteors? Instead of reliability of 20 meters have you hopped onto 6m and spoken across the northern lights, or tried to mess with 630/2200? Anything at all out there.
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

May 14th 2023

KC8AOL – Andy – NCS
KE8SDS – Michael – I/O
KE8GLB – Chavis
KE8GLD – Helen
WB3CGH – Michael
VK4MSS – Mal
KE8RNS – Rick
W8TOY – John
KE8FJW – Brad

Round 1 question – What is something that your mother used to say to you?
Round 2 question – What would you say to your mother today?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

May 7th 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS
WB8E – Walt
AD8GY – Anita
KC8AOL – Andy
KB8CXK – Gary
KE8GLB – Chavis
W8NGM – Nicholas
K0AXL – Austin
W8MJC – Mike
KE8RNS – Rick
KE8FJW – Brad
KE8GLD – Helen
N8ZZF – Pat
W8TMB – Terry
WB3CGH – Mike
KE4ZYQ – Joe
N8WJL – Joseph
KA8IBY – Chuck

Round 1 question – How did you get into this hobby? When you first heard about it what did you think?
Round 2 question – What is the stupidest thing you ever did when you were a kid?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

April 29th 2023

KE8GLB – Chavis – NCS
KE8GLD – Helen – I/O
KC8AOL – Andy
KB8CXK – Gary
VK4MSS – Mal
W8CSX – John
W8TMB – Terry – 1 and done round 1
N8SA – Bill – 1 and done round 1 mobile before lost
K8PDJ – Dorian – 1 and done round 1
KE8RNS – Rick
K0AXL – Austin
W8MJC – Mike
W8TOY – John
N8ZZF – Pat
WB3CGH – Mike – 1 and done round 1
KE8VXG – Alex
KA8IBY – Chuck – I/O
N8VGE – Ken
KE8HR – Wallace

Round 1 question – If you’re going to one of these ham swaps what are you looking out for, and if not going if you could go what would you look for?
Round 2 question – If you had the opportunity to buy the brand new FTM-500 relatively inexpensive, would you buy it?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

April 23rd 2023

KE8GLD – Helen – NCS
KC8AOL – Andy
KE8GLB – Chavis
KE8HR – Wallace
KB8CXK – Gary – I/O
N8ZZF – Pat
AD8GY – Anita
VK4MSS – Mal
WB3CGH – Michael – CO round 1
WB8E – Walt
K0AXL – Austin
W8CSX – John
W8TOY – John
W8MJC – Mike
W8UKY – Rostyslav – I/O
KC8KUP – Gary
KE8VXG – Alex – CI 73 round

Round 1 question – Is there some place in the world you would like to go and you just can’t go there, and why can’t you go there?
Round 2 question – When they say it is a red flag day, for a certain county, do you know what the red flag is for?

April 16th 2023

KE8GLD – Helen
KE8GLB – Chavis
KB8CXK – Gary – I/O
W8TOY – John – No response round 3
KC8AOL – Andy
W8CSX – John
W8MJC – Mike
N8SA – Bill
AD8GY – Anita
N8ZZF – Pat
K0AXL – Austin
VK4MSS – Mal
KE8RNS – Rick
K8PDJ – Dorian – I/O
N8SOB – Sean

Round 1 question – What is your favorite go-to snack for a trip?
Round 2 question – No question. Talk whatever is on your mind tonight.
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

April 9th 2023

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
WB8E – Walt
W8CSX – John
KC8AOL – Andy
W8MJC – Mike
KG8RNY – Jon
N8JAP – Jeff – I/O
KE8GLB – Chavis
KE8GLD – Helen
KE8RNS – Rick – CO round 2
W8TOY – John – No response round 2
VK4MSS – Mal
N8ZZF – Pat
KE4ZYQ – Joe
AD8GY – Anita

Round 1 question – Have you ever seen the northern lights? Would you like to?
Round 2 question – Do you take advantage of the solar weather affecting the earth messing with the bands, bringing the aurora, opening higher bands for DX, etc?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

April 2nd 2023

KC8AOL – Andy – NCS
KB8CXK – Gary – I/O
AD8GY – Anita
W8MJC – Mike – I/O
KE8GLB – Chavis – CO round 1
KE8RNS – Rick
W8CSX – John
WB3CGH – Mike
VK4MSS – Mal – CO round 2
K0AXL – Austin
WB8E – Walt
KE8FJW – Brad
WM8G – Brian
KG8RNY – Jonathan
N8ZZF – Pat – CI round 2
KE8VLX – Evan – CI round 2
K8UPE – Reggie – CI round 2

Round 1 question – How do you feel about fast food and the dollar menu (or maybe how it is changing to the 5 dollar menu)
Round 2 question – Where did you get your best pizza at?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

March 26th 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS
KC8AOL – Andy
WB8E – Walt – CO round 1
W8MJC – Mike
KE8GLD – Helen
KE8GLB – Chavis
KE8QIJ – Terry – CO round 2
KB8CXK – Gary – I/O
WB3CGH – Mike – I/O
N8ZZF – Pat
VK4MSS – Mal
KE8RNS – Rick
AD8GY – Anita
KE8VXG – Alex
K0AXL – Austin
KE4ZYQ – Joe – CI end of round 1
KG8RNY – Jonathan – CI end of round 1
KA8IBY – Chuck – CI end of round 2
N8VGE – Ken – CI end of round 2
AC8ZD – David – CI end of round 3
VE2TOJ – Tonya – Late Check-in after net closed

Round 1 question – If you can find out a way to let you know on what date and what time something was going to happen, good, bad, or ugly; Would you want to know about it?
Round 2 question – With all of your tools that you have, it can be a watt meter, swr meter, whatever tools. What is your favorite one and why?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

March 19th 2023

KE8GLD – Helen – NCS
KC8AOL – Andy
KE8GLB – Chavis
W8CSX – John
KB8CXK – Gary – I/O
WB8E – Walt – No response round 3
N8ZZF – Pat
KE8HR – Wallace
W8MJC – Mike
W8ADJ – Angel
K0AXL – Austin
KE8GLC – Bryce – I/O
KE8VIB – Joshua – I/O
W8CDG – John – I/O
VK4MSS – Mal
KE8FJW – Brad
N8SA – Bill – No response round 3
KE8VXG – Alex
KE8QIJ – Terry – CI end of round 2

Round 1 question – Does your spouse or significant other support your hobby?
Round 2 question – (No question stated, thrown out for suggestions) Do you drink coffee, and if so how much?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

March 12th 2023

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
KC8AOL – Andy – I/O
N9KOP – Cameron – No response any rounds
WB3CGH – Micheal – CO round 1
KE8FJW – Brad
W8CSX – John
KE8RNS – Rick – CO round 2
WB8E – Walt
KE8GLB – CO round 1
KC8LDN – Ray
W8MJC – Mike – I/O round 2
KB8CXK – Gary – late check-in after net

Round 1 question – DXpeditions and contests have been very active lately. There was Bouvet island a couple weeks ago, Saint Brandon Islands ending, and many more. The main question: Do you participate in contesting or dx hunting? Whether you do or don’t whats your thoughts behind it?
Round 2 question – Do you have a favorite planet here in our solar system?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

March 5th 2023

OE9AFV – Interrupted right at 7 P.M. with loud tones, no IDing.

KC8AOL – Andy – NCS
NB9D – Neil – I/O
W8CSX – John
WB8E – Walt – CO round 1
W8MJC – Mike
KB8CXK – Gary – I/O
N8ZZF – Pat
KE8UHH – James – I/O
KE6EXX – Bubba – I/O
KE8RNS – Rick
K0AXL – Austin
KE8GLB – Chavis
KE8GLD – Helen – I/O
N8HIS – Pete
KE8QIJ – Terry
N8GFZ – Gerald – I/O
N9KOP – Cameron – CO round 1
KE8FJW – Brad – CO round 2
KE8PBB – Gabriel – No response round 1
W8UKY – Rostyslav – CO round 1
AD8GY – Anita – CI end of round 2
W8COP – Chris – CI end of round 2
KC8EBZ – Francis – CI end of round 2
K8VSV – Scott – CI end of round 3

Round 1 question – Would you like to see an array/buffet of different people hosting, being NCOs, from the link?
Round 2 question – Who would you draft to be an NCO for the net?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

February 26th 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS
W8MJC – Mike
KC8AOL – Andy
WB3CGH – Michael – CO round 2
K0AXL – Austin
N8ZZF – Pat
AD8GY – Anita
VK4MSS – Mal
KE8FJW – Brad
KE8GLB – Chavis
KE8GLD – Helen – I/O
KQ8G – Carl
KA8IBY – Chuck
N8SA – Bill – CI almost end of round 1
KG8ZH – Chuck – CI end of round 2
W8ADJ – Angel – CI end of round 2

Round 1 question – Storm ready. Did you survive the storm, and do you know anybody that is without power.

February 19th 2023

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
KB8CXK – Gary – I/O
W8CSX – John
WB8E – Walt – CO after 1st round
KC8AOL – Andy
KE6EXX – Bubba – CO after 2nd round
KE8RNS – Rick
W8MJC – Mike
KE8GLB – Chavis – CO after 2nd round
KE8GLD – Helen – I/O
WB3CGH – Mike – I/O
KC8FCQ – Tom – I/O
W8DPM – Jim
N8ZZF – Pat – No reply 2nd round
KE8HR – Wallace – CO after 2nd round
KE8QIJ – Terry – CI end round 1, no response round 2
KA8IBY – Chuck – CI end round 1, no response round 2
WB8HS – Bruce – CI end round 1, CO after round 2
AD8GY – Anita – CI end after 1
KG8ZH – Chuck – I/O
KE4ZYQ – Joe – CI end of round 2

Round 1 question – What sorts of ham projects would you like to get done by the end of the year?
Round 2 question – Are there any projects you’ve wanted to do over the last couple years you never got around to?
Round 3 question (73 round) – Are there any topics you would want to see on the blue water net?

February 12th 2023

KE8GLB – Chavis – NCS
KE8GLD – Helen – In and Out
KC8AOL – Andy
K0AXL – Austin
W8CSX – John
KB8CXK – Gary – In/Out
W8MJC – Mike
KE8RNS – Rick
WB8E – Walt
KE8FJW – Brad
KE8VUK – Andy
N8ZZF – Pat – CI end of round 1
N8DMH – Drake – CI end of round 1
AD8GY – Anita – CI end of round 1
KG8ZH – Chuck – CI end of round 1
VK4MSS – Mal – CI end of round 1, Out end of round 2

Round 1 question – Are you superstitious towards football / Do you carry any superstitions for Superbowl Sunday?
Round 2 question – How often do you use drive through food per week?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

February 5th 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS
KE8FJW – Brad
WB8E – Walt
KB8CXK – Gary – In/Out
K0AXL – Austin
KC8AOL – Andy
W8MJC – Mike
AD8GY – Anita
W8DPM – James – In/Out
KE8GLB – Chavis
KE4ZYQ – Joe
N9KOP – Cameron
N8DMH – Drake
KE8OHG – Dave
KE8GLD – Helen
KE8VUK – Andy
VK4MSS – Mal – In end of Round 1
WB3CGH – Michael – In/Out end of Round 1
W8RJD – Ryan – In end of Round 1
WB8DEL – Del – In end of Round 1
W8UKY – Rostyslav – In end of Round 1
2W1DXV – Andrew – In/out end of Round 1
KB8RXT – Alberto – In end of Round 1

Round 1 question – Do you use your license to its fullest extend and use all its privileges?
Round 2 question – Has anyone experienced the sun cycle at its peak?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

January 29th 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS Round 1
KC8AOL – Andy – NCS Round 2
K0AXL – Austin – NCS Round 3
KE8GLB – Chavis – Checked out end of round 2
KE8GLD – Helen
W8MJC – Mike
KB8RCR – Ryan – In/Out
WB3CGH – Michael – In/Out
KD8IWS – Jere – In/Out
KE8GLC – Bryce – In/Out
KE4ZYQ – Joe
WB8E – Walt
N8ZZF – Pat
W8RJD – Ryan
KB8CXK – Gary – In/Out end of round 2

Round 1 question – Do you know what a last call is, heard one, or participated in one?
Round 2 question – Its 1995, you just passed your technician test. You think you got the world by the “testicles” or balls. Life happens, you get busy, other things, okay with privileges. All of a sudden, its 2022, and you think “wow, where have the years gone?” What would you do if you were a young KC8AOL and all of a sudden an old KC8AOL?
Round 3 question (73 round) – Thanks to Andy we have spoken heavily on taking another test massively later than the first, or in general when we spoke about when we got licensed. If you took your last exam with the knowledge you have today do you think you would pass it?

January 22nd 2023

KE8GLB – Chavis – NCS
W8CSX – John
VK4MSS – Mal
W8MJC – Mike
KE8GLD – Helen – In and Out
KE8RNS – Rick
K0AXL – Austin
KE8WAX – Taylor – In and Out
KC8AOL – Andy
N2XBQ – Richard – Out end of 2nd round
W8ADJ – Angel
N8ZZF – Pat – In and Out
W8DPM – James – In and Out
N8SOB – Shaun – No reply after check-in
WB8E – Walt – Checking in end of 1st round
WB3CGH – Michael – Checking in end of 1st round, out end of 2nd round
W8RJD – Ryan – Checking in end of 1st round
KE4ZYQ – Joe – Checking in end of 1st round, out end of 2nd round
KD8IWS – Jere – Checking in end of 1st round, out end of 2nd round
AD8GY – Anita – Checked in end of 1st round
KB8CXK – Gary – Checked in end of 2nd round, one and done

Round 1 question – What extra-curricular/sport event are you interested in/take part in? & Are you / used to be active in amateur radio related to sports?
Round 2 question – What one food could you live on for the rest of your life?
Round 3 (73 round, no question)

January 15th 2023

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
KC8AOL – Andy – In and out
W8MJC – Mike
AC8SW – Ted
KE8GLB – Chavis
KE8RNS – Rick
VK4MSS – Mal
W8DPM – Jim
KE8FJW – Brad
W8CSX – John
KG8ZH – Chuck
KB8CXK – Gary – Answering at end of first round
N8ZZF – Pat
WB8E – Walt
KE8SUG – Al – In and Out
VE3GXK – Geoff
WI8X – Checked in at end, no responses further

Round 1 question – I do a lot of POTA, Parks on the Air, so I operate portable / mobile work. So as an impromptu question, do you do any portable/mobile work, or do you have any radio activities out of the house you enjoy?
Round 2 question (73 round) – Is there anything in the hobby you want to get into?

January 8th 2023

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
ZL1AG – Ashly
KC8AOL – Andy
W8CSX – John
W8MJC – Mike
N8ZZF – Pat
KE8RNS – Rick
KE8GLB – Chavis
KB8CXK – Gary – In and Out
WB3CGH – Michael
W8DPM – James
VK4MSS – Mal

Round 1 question – What would your family and friends think you had done if you were arrested?
Round 2 question (73 round) – Now, lets do my flip. Previously, you were asked what would friends and family think you had done if you were arrested, Think of your closest family member or friend, what do you think THEY would have done to get arrested?

January 1st 2023

W8CSX – John – NCS
KC8AOL – Andy
KE8GLB – Chavis
KE8GLC – Bryce
KE8GLD – Helen
KE8UOT – Robert
K0AXL – Austin
AD8GY – Anita
VK4MSS – Mal
N9KOP – Cameron – Checked in end of 1st round
KE8SUG – Al – Checked in end of 1st round
W8MJC – Mike – Checked in end of 1st round
KE4ZYC – Joe – Checked in end of 1st round
KE8HR – Wallace – Checked in end of 1st round
KE8RNS – Rick – Checked in end of 1st round
KE8VUK – Andrew – Checked in end of 1st round
N8DMH – Drake – Checked in end of 1st round
W8TRU – Brian – Checked in end of 1st round
W8VPC – Michael – Checked in end of 1st round

Round 1 question – Do you remember your first car?
Round 2 question – If you could get back any car you ever owned, what would it be?

December 18th 2022

Announcement from W8CSX – Won’t be a net next Sunday, for Christmas. And the time will be moved back to 7 P.M.

KE8GLB – Chavis – NCS
KC8AOL – Andy
W8CSX – John
KE8GLD – Helen – In and Out
W8MJC – Mike
WB3CGH – Michael
K0AXL – Austin
VK4MSS – Mal
N8ZZF – Pat
KE8QBR – Richard – In and Out
K8IBX – Charles
KE8HR – Wallace
WA8ZZM – Cody – In and out
KE8RNS – Rick
KA8IBY – Chuck
KD8REH – Michael
N9KOP – Cameron
KE8FJW – Brad – Checked in at end of list
KD8ZER – Robert – Checked in at end of list
N8DMH – Drake – Checked in at end of list

Round 1 question – Whats in your shack? What do you use in your shack?

December 11th 2022

N8SA – Bill – NCS
W8MJC – Mike
WB3CGH – Michael
N8ZZF – Pat
KE8FJW – Brad – Checked out after 1st round
K0AXL – Austin
KC8AOL – Andy
W8CSX – John
KB8CXK – Gary – Checked out after 1st round
N2XBQ – Richard
KE8WAX – Taylor
KA8IBY – Chuck
VK4MSS – Mal
KE8GLB – Chavis
KE8GLD – Helen
KE8RNS – Richard
KE8HR – Wallace
KE4ZYQ – Joe
AC8ZD – Dave – Checked in at end
K8OB – William – Checked in at end
KC8VRP – Alex – Checked in at end
KE8GLC – Bryce – Checked in at end

Round 1 question – Did you get all your Christmas shopping done?
Round 1 question pt 2 (changed around once realized question was similar to last week, started with KB8CXK) – What is the first thing you do when you get home from a trip?

December 4th 2022

W8MJC – Mike – NCS
W8TOY – John
KB8CXK – Gary – in and out
VK4MSS – Mal
KC8AOL – Andy – in and out
VA3KSF – Keith – In and Out
N8ZZF – Pat – In and Out
AD8GY – Anita
N9KOP – Cameron – Checked out after 1st round
N8APX – Adam
N8DMH – Drake
KE8GLB – Chavis – Checked out after 1st round
W8CSX – John
K0AXL – Austin
N8SA – Bill
KE4ZYQ – Joe – Checked in at end of list (N8SA)
W8RJD – Ryan – Checked in at end of list (N8SA)
AC8ZD – Dave – Checked in at end of list (N8SA)
W8VPC – Mike – Checked in at end of list (N8SA)

Round 1 question – Where are you on your Christmas shopping list?
Round 2 question (73 round) – Is there a gift you’re getting yourself, or already got?

November 27th 2022

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
KB8CXK – Gary – In and Out
W8MJC – Mike
KD9EJE – Shad – No response after checkin
W8CSX – John
KE8GLB – Chavis
WB3CGH – Michael
KE8UOT – Rob – In and Out
KE8SUG – Al – In and Out
KC8AOL – Andy – In and Out
KE8RNS – Rick
KE8CB – Charlie – In and Out
VK4MSS – Mal

Round 1 question – What is your most memorable QSO / Favorite QSO?
Round 2 question (73 round) – Now, typically I make peoples lives a little miserable and have some swapping around of the first question to make you think a bit more, but lets have a nice a relaxing 73 round. How did you get your start in amateur radio, what got you interested, and to this day what is keeping you going in the hobby?

November 20th 2022

W8CSX – John – NCS
AD8GY – Anita
KE8HR – Wallace
KE8CB – Charles – In and Out
W8MJC – Mike
KC8AOL – Andy
K0AXL – Austin
VK4MSS – Mal
W8TOY – John
KE8GLB – Chavis
KE8GLD – Helen – In and Out
DL1ESZ – Stefan – Here for checkins, not around for question
KE8GLC – Bryce – In and Out
K8DYS – Ryan
N8ZZF – Pat – In and Out
KE8TOD – Phillip – Checked in, no answer question
KA8IBY – Chuck
KE4ZYQ – Joe
N8SA – Bill
KE8RNS – Rick

Round 1 question – Have you ever put something off and it came back to bite you in the rear?
Round 2 (73 round, no question)

November 13th 2022

K0AXL – Austin – NCS
KB8CSX – Gary – In and Out
WB8E – Walt
KE8KTD – Ted
W8TOY – John
N8SA – Bill – CO after 1st round
KE8VM – Dan
W8MJC – Mike – In and Out
KE8RNS – Richard
N8ZZF – Pat
WB3CGH – Michael
N8DMH – Drake
KE4ZYQ – Joe
W8CSX – John

Round 1 question – One thing I’ve been asked to on many nets is what am I up to in my amateur radio world, so I’d like to swap that: What is something you would never touch with a 10 foot pole in your amateur radio world.
Round 2 question (73 round) – What is your biggest learning experience / mistake you’ve made in your amateur radio world?

November 6th 2022

W8MJC – Mike – NCS
KE4ZYQ – Joe
WB8E – Walt
KE8VM – Dan
KE8FJW – Brad
KB8CXK – Gary – In and Out
AD8GY – Anita
KE8GLB – Chavis
N8ZZF – Pat – In and Out
K0AXL – Austin
W8CSX – John
KE8RNS – Rick
VK4MSS – Mal
KE8HR – Wallace
WB4JM – Jeff
KA8IBY – Chuck

Round 1 question – What is your most favorite single household applicance? Primarily related to the Kitchen
Round 2 question (73 round) – Do we fool around with the clocks or leave them alone in relation of daylight savings?

October 30th 2022

WB8E – Walt – NCS
AD8GY – Anita
KE8VM – Dan
W8CSX – John
VK4MSS – Mal
KD8VHE – Kevin
K8PDJ – Dorian
Insufficient information to fill out, was not recorded at the time for historical.

Round 1 Question – What was your favorite costume for Halloween as a kid
Round 2 Question (73 round) – Insufficient information to fill out, was not recorded at the time for historical.

October 23rd 2022

NCS – N8SA – Bill
WB8E – Walt
W8TOY – John
KE4ZYQ – Joe
KE8VM – Dan
W8CSX – John
K0AXL – Austin
KE8GLB – Chavis – In and Out
K8PDJ – Dorian – In and Out
W8MJC – Mike
KE8UOT – Bob – In and Out
W8ADJ – Angel – In and Out
VK4MSS – Mal – Only available via NetLogger
KE8FJW – Brad – Checked in 73 round

Round 1 question – Have you got that antenna up that you’ve been waiting all summer to do? Is it now crunch time?
Round 2 question (73 round) – Anything new on the radar, list of things to do, anything you want to talk about.

October 16th 2022

NCS – W8CSX – John
WB8E – Walt – Checked out after 1st round
KC8AOL – Andy
KE8HR – Wallace
KE8GLB – Chavis
W8TOY – John
KE8VM – Dan
KE4ZYQ – Joe
KE8CB – Gale – In and Out
N8SA – Bill
W8MJC – Mike
WB3CGH – Michael
K0AXL – Austin
N8ZZF – Patrick
KB8CXK – Gary – In and Out

Round 1 question – We are approaching that time of year, winter; What do you do to ensure your lawnmower or snowblower will start the next season when you go to put it away
Round 2 question (73 round) – Are you ready for winter?

October 9th 2022

NCS – K0AXL – Austin
KC8AOL – Andy – In and Out
WA8ZZM – Cody – In and Out
KE8KTD – Thaddeus
WB8E – Walt
KE8VM – Dan
KE8GLB – Chavis
KB8CXK – Gary – In and Out
W8RJD – Ryan – In and Out
W8CSX – John
W8TOY – John
KE8UOT – Robert – In and Out
KD8VHE – Kevin – No response 73 round
W8MJC – In and Out

Round 1 question – Fairy world, you are told you could be given $10,000 if you chose an animal and be that animal for a week, would you go with the offer or deny it.
Round 2 question – Now, you have your chosen animal, this what you DESIRED to be. But, with this, say things were swapped up. In this fairy world, instead you are now told you could be given $300,000 for being a random animal outside of your choosing, would you now accept this offer or deny it.
Round 3 (73 round) – no question.

October 2nd 2022

NCS – Mike W8MJC
N8SA – Bill
KB8CXK – Gary – In and Out
KE8GLB – Chavis
AD8GY – Anita
KJ7VWB – John
KE8FJW – Brad
KC8AOL – Andy
W8CSX – John
KG8HZ – Gerald
KE8CBW – Joe
KE4ZYQ – Joe

Round 1 question: What is your favorite amateur radio band a why?
Round 2 question (73 round): What is your favorite potato in the morning, hash brown, home fries, grits, or tater tots.

September 25th 2022

NCS – Austin K0AXL
KE8GLB – Chavis
KE8KTD – Ted
W8MJC – Mike
W8RJD – Ryan – No response for 73 round
WB8E – Walt – No response for 2nd round
AC8ZD – David
KC8AOL – Andy – In and Out
KE8UCT – Art – In and Out
KB8CXK – Gary – In and Out
AD8GY – Anita
W8CSX – John – Checked in for 2nd round
KG8ZH – Chuck – Checked in for 2nd round

September 18th 2022

NCS – Bill N8SA
VK4MSS – Mal
W8CSX – John
KB8CXK – Gary
KE8HR – Wallace
K0AXL – Austin
KE8FJW – Brad
KE8UCT – Arthur
N8JFJ – John
KE8VM – Dan
K8PDJ – Dorian
KE8GLB – Chavis
KE8GLD – Helen
AC8ZD – David
W8MJC – Mike

Round 1 question –
Round 2 question –
Round 3 (73 round, no question)